Lectio Divina

Posted on Wednesday, August 5, 2009 - 0 comments -

Today, I learned about Lectio Divina which is translated as Divine Reading. As I was taught, it is divided into three parts:

1) Reading - Choose a Bible passage and read it at least 3 times. After reading it the first time, find out if a certain phrase which caught your attention will strike you again as you read the passage for the second and third time. If it does, then it means that the Lord God wants to communicate to you through that special passage.

2) Meditation - As you hold on to your chosen passage, search yourself for things, ideas, experiences that may have something to do with that passage. In silence, allow your heart to make these things surface. When they do, you are now ready to begin with the third part of Lectio Divina.

3) Prayer - It is now time to talk to the Lord, our Father. Tell him all the stories of happiness and pain that are related to your special passage. Although He already knows all these, let yourself reveal to Him what your feelings and aspirations are regarding the passage.

I, personally, haven't tried Lectio Divina out yet, but I am very eager to make it as a regular practice. I certainly believe that this is one tool that will allow me to have a deeper relationship with our Lord and Saviour.

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